showing 1 game

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Aladdin Sega (SIMS)1994Aladdin is a thief, who lives in Agrabah, stealing food and escaping from the guards of the palace of Agrabah. After making a steal and escape from a guard, he sees a woman stealing an apple to give to a hungry child. It helps women to escape, but in the end, they are arrested, and Aladdin will stop in the dungeon of the palace. Who was that woman? She was Princess Jasmin, who was tired of his monotonous life and wanted some action outside the palace walls. In the dungeon, Aladdin faces an old man who had been there for a long time. He asked Aladdin if he wants to go to the Cave of Wonders, for an infinite treasure, and a Magic Lamp. From there, Aladdin begins his adventure really. labelimagesubject